
Rejuvenating Set And Skin Reaction

Rejuvenating Set And Skin ReactionMany users of skin rejuvenating set experience skin purging not skin reaction. We advise you to read our article on this matter for more information: PURGING VS BREAKOUTS: WHEN TO DITCH YOUR SKINCARE.

In general, skin purging while using rejuvenating set is normal. Don’t worry! You should continue using the rejuvenating set and the purging will fade away gradually. However, sometimes what you experience is allergic reaction. In that case, you must stop using the rejuvenating set.

To continue or stop, you need to know the difference between the skin purging and allergic reaction.

First, rejuvenating set and skin purging

Your skin may flare up with pimples while using the rejuvenating set. When your skin is adjusting to the rejuvenating set, persevering with it will eventually make your skin better. In fact, the sudden crop of pimples means that the rejuvenating set is working as intended.

What is skin purging?

Skin purging occurs when skin flares up with pimples or rashes while using some new skincare products. To understand why is this normal process when using rejuvenating set, you must understand how pimples form.

How pimples form?

When a pore becomes clogged, usually by dead skin cells that don’t detach and get to the surface properly. It forms what’s called a microcomedone.

Microcomedones aren’t visible at the surface of the skin. Sometimes they’ll develop into a whitehead, blackhead, pimple or full-blown cyst. Sometimes, they’ll go away on their own without you noticing. It can take up to 8 weeks for a microcomedone to surface.

How rejuvenating set occasionally causes purging?

Rejuvenating set speeds up skin turnover (the rate at which skin cells are shed and replaced). Therefore, the entire cycle will accelerate and microcomedones will turn into whiteheads, blackheads, pimples or cysts more quickly. So you’ll suddenly see a rush of blemishes rearing their ugly heads.

If the rejuvenating set is irritating (which most skin turnover-accelerating products are), some microcomedones that weren’t going to show up might join the party too. However, these microcomedones were in the skin before you started the rejuvenating set, not new blockages caused by the rejuvenating set.

Now, remember how the microcomedone started as dead skin cells that didn’t detach and get to the surface properly? Products that increase skin turnover target this exact process to treat acne!

So as the product starts to work, less microcomedones should form, and after the initial angry-volcano stage, your skin should become clearer than when you started the rejuvenating set.

Second, rejuvenating set and allergic reaction

On the other hand, an allergic reaction will occur when the product is either causing new clogged pores or increasing irritation. Without an improvement in how your skin is functioning because you’re sensitive to it. New clogged pores means more blemishes overall. While irritation means inflammation. This will lead to a larger proportion of your microcomedones are flaring up.

There’s a small chance that your skin will get used to the product over time. But most of the time you’ll just cause further damage and you better stop using the product.

A lot of “all-natural” companies like to claim that their products are causing purging because your skin is detoxifying from all the synthetic chemicals you’ve been using previously. This is a big fat lie. Why would your skin suddenly get angry about having less synthetic chemicals on it? (Even if synthetic chemicals were bad – which they’re not!)

Unless there’s something increasing skin turnover in the natural skincare product (e.g. fruit acids, which contain AHAs). The more likely explanation is that there’s an irritating ingredient giving your skin grief.

On the other hand, rejuvenating set rarely causes clogged pores. Actually, it will unclog the clogged pores.

So is it purging or allergic reaction that is caused by the rejuvenating set?

There are a few things to consider to work out if it’s purging or allergic reaction, and therefore whether you should dump your product or persevere. A lot of the time it can be difficult to tell which it is, but hopefully these guidelines can help you narrow it down.

1. What sort of products is rejuvenating set?

Rejuvenating set contains active ingredients such as hydroquinone and tretinoin that increase skin turnover which can cause purging. Purging is a well-documented response to tretinoin. For example, you might not find the term “purging” used in the scientific journals because they may use descriptions like “exacerbation of inflammatory lesions at the start of treatment” or “initial flare up of acne lesions (acne flaring)”).

Active ingredients and treatments that increase skin turnover include:

  • hydroxy acids (glycolic, lactic, malic, mandelic, salicylic, lactobionic acids; gluconolactone; “fruit acids”)
  • retinoids (retinol, tretinoin, adapalene, tazarotene, isotretinoin, retinyl palmitate)
  • benzoyl peroxide
  • chemical peels, lasers, microdermabrasion
  • other exfoliants (scrubs, brushes, enzyme exfoliants)

Most other products, like moisturizers and cleansers without these actives, won’t be able to cause purging and you should switch to a different product.

2- Where are the allergic reaction occurring?

If it’s purging, it should only make pre-existing microcomedones come to the surface faster. So if you’re breaking out in places where you don’t normally experience breakouts, it’s likely that the product is wrong for you. On the other hand, if it’s an irritating product, it could be making the type of acne you’re experiencing worse. For example, an area where you used to have clogged bumps and whiteheads could start developing full-blown pimples, thanks to the extra inflammation.

3- How long is the purge?

Purging should only last for about a month, since that’s the length of time it take for your skin to completely renew itself. If your skin isn’t getting better after around 6-8 weeks with the rejuvenating set, ditch it.

Read also: Moisturizer WHILE Using Rejuvenating Set?

In conclusion

When you use rejuvenating set, you might experience breakout in the beginning of use. Don’t worry! This breakout could be skin purging which is normal while using rejuvenating set. Actually, it’s a clue that the rejuvenating set is working and detoxifying the skin. However, it could be an allergic reaction. If so, you need to dump it or contact a skincare specialist.

Have more questions, don’t hesitate to drop a comment below.

August 9, 2023

I started to use rejuv set for the first time yesterday, and used all the products on the same day (kojic soap, toner, sun screen and night cream) because it was almost evening and I wasn’t expecting that I would go out and have a ride with friends. So I was sweating and all and it wasn’t sunny anymore but the atmosphere was kind of still hot since it was still 5pm. So I was sweating so bad and I was wesring a face mask as well still a health protocol here in our country. After I went home the itchiness and redness and purging was so bad only on the both sides of my cheeks where I have pimples, then now when I woke up in the morning my cheeks are swelling, like a rabbit but not that bad like a little bit on both sides if my cheeks. What action should I do? Please help me, thankyou.

Thureya Bawa
October 2, 2022

I started using rejuvenating set yesterday. It was all itchy and redness and I asked someone who has used it she it’s normal. Today my skin started peeling off and at night when I washed my face w the kojic acid but when I used the toner it felt itchy after a while then I applied my night cream and it started feeling itchy. So is it normal??

September 7, 2022

Hi i have been using rejuvenating set a few weeks but i suddenly realized that there are acne bumps on my face and it’s kinda red. Is it really normal?

Whenever i used it i always felt itchiness after applying the product in the area where the army of acne suddenly showed up so sudden. They were showing in my forehead, chin, tge side of nose left and right and also my cheeks. My mom told me to ditched it. I was so worried. Is it really normal in the process of rejuvenating?

August 6, 2022

I used brilliant rejuvinating set for 9 days only. I stopped it immediately coz it’s really pain everytime I will use the kojic, toner, cream and even the sun screen. At first my face was okay and it’s peeling little by little but on my 9th day. I noticed these tiny little bumps. Some are big some are small. If people would look at me from a little far away it’s not noticeable. But if close up it’s clearly noticeable. The texture of my face is like sandy. I never had like this before. I didn’t know what to do so I stopped it immediately. It’s my 5th day of not using the rejuvinating set. Didn’t know if I’m allergic to it or it’s normal. What should I do? Please help.

    August 6, 2022


    You can do spot test for each product of the rejuvenating set to make sure that you are not allergic. However, what you mentioned is normal while using rejuvenating set. You can use the rejuvenating set every other day to reduce such side effects.

    Recommended to read: The Best Ways To Use Rejuvenating Set For Sensitive Skin

June 27, 2022

Hello can rejuvenating set help my comedonal acne?

    July 2, 2022


March 24, 2022

This is my first time using rejuvenating set. It’s my first day and it’s really itchy. It turns my face into red and I’m experiencing itchy bumps. Is this normal?

    March 31, 2022

    Hi Mae,
    It’s normal, but before using the product you should do patch test. For now, don’t use it everyday 2-3 times a week only. To reduce redness and itchy.

February 15, 2022

Is it okay to use facial mask while using prestige rejuv set?

    February 16, 2022

    Hi kd,
    While rejuvenating set, avoid using other products.

December 31, 2021

I use this product on dec 3 and this is very effective but after 3weeks there’s a pimple in my nose that never vanished like it so big

    December 31, 2021

    Hi Mayitttt,
    Continue using. Apply the rejuvenating cream on this pimple and leave on overnight.

October 6, 2021

I’ve been using Rejuv set for 5 months now. There are still some comedies popping out. I stopped using rejuv before my laser treatment on my face. I don’t have breakout before laser and I got breakout when I used again my rejuvenating set. What should I do? Huhu Please help.

    October 7, 2021

    Hi Anne,
    First of all, you shouldn’t use rejuvenating set continuously for five months. Read this article for more info: Can I Use Rejuvenating Set For 3 months
    We don’t know if you had the laser session right after the rejuvenating set or you took downtime. You also shouldn’t have the laser treatment right after the Rejuvenating set.

      October 7, 2021

      I used again my rejuvenating after a week.

      October 7, 2021

      I used the rejuvenating set after a week of laser treatment. Uh. I don’t have breakouts before the laser. I only had when I used the set after the laser.

        October 7, 2021

        Anyway, you shouldn’t have had laser treatment after rejuvenating set.

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